Monday, May 2, 2011

Designer Showcase Contest Week 1 Entries

We are featuring 2 designers this evening.

Our First Designer is: Bushel + Peck Paper

They are located in Philadelphia, PA

They sell Nationally/International

How long in business: 5 years

Type of business: Custom Stationery & Party Supplies

Your specialty: Childrens Custom Party Supplies

History behind Bushel + Peck:
Left the "Office Job" when my little boy was born and starting a business was my way of keeping peace of mind. I'm not one to sit idle. Having an Art Degree, I decided to just start designing what I thought was fun and later began to put things down on paper. Voila, Bushel + Peck Paper was created!

Here is how to reach them:

Designer is: Jaimee McClellan

And now----a sample of their work

Our second designer is: Green Beansie Cards

Green Beansie Cards is located in Colorado Springs, CO
They sell Nationally/Internationally
They have been in business for 3 months.

Their specialty is custom printable party packages. The nautical baby shower packages are the most popular.

History of Green Beansie Cards:
I have always been interested in design - ever since I can remember! I followed my design interest to college and graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a Bachelors in Interior Design. I worked in the retail design field for awhile then eventually put away my architectural scale to pursue other areas of study - and eventually to be a mom...the most important job yet! We have a 3 year old little girl and a baby girl on the way this August (2011).

As a stay at home mom I have spent the past few years working on various graphics projects for friends, the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America, and my church. And, following a recent move from Ohio (where I grew up) to Colorado, I suddenly had a lot of spare time on my hands as my daughter started preschool and I had fewer family and friend commitments. I decided it was a great time to open an Etsy store. I still love to view quality interior design and many of my creations are inspired by interior spaces...or my favorite magazine: Coastal Living.

You can find Green Beansie Cards at"!/Wendy_Oliver

Here are some samples of their work:

Great start to a great contest!!!



  1. Congrats, Jaimee! I see my little guy's face up there!!!!

  2. So happy to be party of such a fun contest!
    Thanks again, Wendy!

  3. So much fun and sweetness in this post!
    Lovely designs as always by my friend, Jaimee! And so nice to meet another talented designer -Wendy!
    Nice work ladies :)

  4. Thanks for all the wonderful comments. I love this contest and welsome all to enter.
